3D CAD Models for JST Connectors

When searching for 3D models for JST connectors, you may notice that these are not found on our website. An example of a connector would be part number PHR-5. The Media & Downloads category will have the documents provided for the product. As you can see, the 3D model is not provided on our website. To acquire 3D models of these connectors, please review the following steps.

  1. Go to the manufacturer’s website at http://jst.com/index.html.

  2. Type in the part number for the JST connector, such as PHR-5, into the search bar provided on their website.

  3. Once the search is complete, click on the hyperlink to the part. In the example part number, it should have a link under the Series category. This category will have PH connector for a hyperlink.

  4. The link will take you to the part on the JST website. The bottom of the page will show the documentation for this part, including the 3D Data download for the connector.

Hopefully this will help finding 3D models on JST connectors from our website.

Here is a visual aid if the 3D CAD Model isn’t listed on the product page. For example B10B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN). Go to the supplier site JST — World Class Quality Interconnection Products.


Enter in the part number without the lead-free tin plating suffix’s “(LF)(SN)”.


Click on any of the series



Then scroll down the product page and click on the download under 3D Data.


It does not work. JST web site is the most horrible web site.

It is a stupid worthless web site. Can’t find any thing.
Their customer service? It does not exist!
Do not use any connectors from JST

I want to use four letter words regarding JST.
My cat could do a better job

Hello @ramintavassoli,

Welcome to the TechForum Community. For this JST part BM03B-SRSS-TBT(LF)(SN), to find the 3D model you will have to use the part number BM03B-SRSS-TB instead. The additional T suffix adds the suction cap/kapton tape option. For suffix reference see post JST Kapton Tape/Suction Cap (TF, TB, TFT, TBT Suffix) - Support / Part Numbering - Engineering and Component Solution Forum - TechForum │ Digi-Key (digikey.com).

The 3D model can be found here SH Connector | JST Sales America.

Thank you!

best free 3d model archive is landof3d.com