I’m making a copy of a device for personal use. I have checked, or so I thought, all connections, but can’t get my version to work on the b.board.
IMG_2059.zip (12.0 MB)
Components used: 12v buzzer, red led, transistorC33725, 104 cap,472cap, resistors 4.7K,270K (2), 560K, 4.7µf, ICHCF4538BE and I think a Zener diode - original has the number 45 on it and the black line. If a detailed list of my b,board connections is needed, or other info, please let me know. The function of the device is to activate an electric “sport foil sword”, which is a NC circuit, so the device should deactivate the circuit when the tip ( the momentary switch takes the place of the + & - pin connections) is depressed.