Meaning of the EASY suffix for Microchip LX3302AQPW-EASY?

EASY Suffix

What is the meaning of the EASY suffix on Microchip part number LX3302AQPW-EASY? How is it different from the number LX3302AQPW without this suffix?

The LX3302AQPW-EASY is a special variant of the LX3302AQPW that has been pre-programmed at the FACTORY to work with their plug and play sensor designs on their getting started page.

Information on the Microchip website:

Download your first inductive Position sensor and get a head start on your design by visiting our Inductive Position Sensor Design Page. Combined with one of the position sensor designs on that page, the LX3302AQPW-EASY variant of the LX3302A will provide a true plug and play operation. Just solder the IC on the given layout and schematic, and moving the metal target will provide sensor information. No programming of the IC or reading of the datasheet is required!