Cloud Logging with and AWS

Hi @milan.vercammen,

Let’s give something else a try. First, let’s find where the manager module is installed:

$ python -c "import blue_st_sdk.manager; print(blue_st_sdk.manager.__file__)"

Next, open the file and find the definition of the add_features_to_node() function. It should be at line 522. After the doc string, you should see the following comments:

# Example:
# # Adding a 'MyFeature' feature to a Nucleo device and mapping it to a
# # custom '0x10000000-0001-11e1-ac36-0002a5d5c51b' characteristic.
# mask_to_features_dic = {}
# mask_to_features_dic[0x10000000] = my_feature.MyFeature
# try:
#     Manager.add_features_to_node(0x80, mask_to_features_dic)
# except BlueSTInvalidFeatureBitMaskException as e:
#     print(e)

# Synchronous discovery of Bluetooth devices., SCANNING_TIME_s)

Comment out that last line!

# Example:
# # Adding a 'MyFeature' feature to a Nucleo device and mapping it to a
# # custom '0x10000000-0001-11e1-ac36-0002a5d5c51b' characteristic.
# mask_to_features_dic = {}
# mask_to_features_dic[0x10000000] = my_feature.MyFeature
# try:
#     Manager.add_features_to_node(0x80, mask_to_features_dic)
# except BlueSTInvalidFeatureBitMaskException as e:
#     print(e)

# Synchronous discovery of Bluetooth devices.

Save the file and try to run the orginal script.