For part status, please provide the full part number. PI7C9X760 is a partial part number (all of these show up in our system: Controllers | Interface | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey so we need to know which particular one you are asking about). You can still see the status in the 11th column in that list of parts though.
For the second piece of info, I suggest you look at this post I helped edit: Part Status: Obsolescence Process Explained . In general, companies do not release information like that to the public due to business strategy, we usually don’t know when or if parts go obsolete until the moment that the manufacturer concurs that the part is no longer profitable, is outdated, or is not popular enough any more. A large percentage of manufacturers inform us as soon as parts get a “Not Recommended for New Design” status. This is the beginning stage of “End of Life”. The post link has more details. Let me know if you have any more questions.