To verify, Were you able to read through both of the posts that Rick linked earlier?
For your convenience I will relink them below
This post is one of a series on thermoelectric modules (TEMs, also called Peltier devices) which convert an electrical input directly to a heat pumping effect.
Here, basic concepts of temperature and thermal energy are discussed, the general behavior of TEMs described, and a method for modeling device performance mathematically introduced. Subsequent pages show how this information can be used to make calculated system performance estimates, and highlight various other considerations relevant …
To this point in the series on thermoelectric devices (related posts here , here , and here .) the discussion has focused on their use as a cooling/heat pumping mechanism. The underlying phenomena also work in reverse; if one maintains a temperature difference across a thermoelectric module (TEM) by external means, it’s possible to extract a portion of the thermal energy required to do so in electrical form, without need of any moving parts. When used in such fashion it is common to see TEMs refe…