5413 part identification

We get many requests for parts with short part numbers like 5413 which can be over whelming when you get 2725 results but if you know a bit about what you are looking for it can be narrowed down quickly.

At the time of this post we have 4 products listed with that exact part number but the total results are 2725 because there are many that include those numbers.


If you know your product is a roll of tape and you click on the category tape you would still have 230 results these are all from 3M and often 5413 will be printed on the inside of the rolls.

Using the filters at this point can quickly cut the results down to get to your part.

If you know your roll is 1/4" wide you may end up finding 5413 AMBER, 1/4 IN X 36 Y is the manufacturer part number. Our order number 3M15375-ND

We recommend that filters be applied 1 at a time for better end results.