Check the Mating Comaptability of DB Connectors

Hello TechForum
I want to check the electrical and mechanical mating compatibility of the DB Sub connectors of the following connectors

  1. DB09 Male [LD09P24A4GV00LF] with DB09 Female [M24308/2-1Z]

  2. DB09 Female [LD09S24A4GV00LF] with DB09 Male [M24308/4-1F]

  3. DB15 Male [L717SDAH15POL2RM8] with DB15 Female [M24308/2-2Z]

  4. DB15 Female [D15S24A4GV00LF] with DB15 Male [M24308/4-2Z]

  5. DB25 Male [L717SDB25POL2] with DB25 Female [IM24308/2-3F-ND]

  6. DB25 Female [L77DB25SU] with DB25 Male [M24308/4-3F]

  7. DB50 Male [DD50P364TXLF] with DB50 Female [M24308/2-5FPG-ND]

  8. DB50 Female [DD50S364TLF] with DB50 Male [IM24308/4-5Z-ND]

Please let me know the mating compatability with the above connectors as earliest.

Thank You!

Hello rajatm_digikey,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. Is there a specific concern you have regarding the mating compatibilities of the connectors? Most of these are going to be able to mate with each other physically because of the Shell Size, Connector Layout matching. There are some considerations that are going to be application specific - for instance the LD09P24A4GV00L is only rated for 5 amps meanwhile M24308/2-1Z is rated for 7.5 amps. This may need to be considered if you’re using one of these to determine maximum ratings of your application.

I highly suggest taking a look at our Product Selection Guide and using it as a sort of “map” for whether or not the parts you’re looking for are compatible with what you will be using them for.