Cross reference for bi-polar transistor BC517

BC517 is a bi-polar transistor from NXP USA Inc. that has gone obsolete. KSP13TACT-ND from ON Semiconductor has been offered as a possible substitute.

biggest difference in hFE .

To verify this part will work in your application or to view full specifications see the manufacturer datasheet: KSP13 - NPN Epitaxial Silicon Darlington Transistor (

Please review the datasheets to ensure the alternative will work for your application.

“gone obsolete” announcements induce sadness. Sometimes feels like a close friend has gone, sometimes like a colleague, or a neighbor, has moved to a distant second-source world.
Thus, the component vendors should always address the issue with a certain delicacy… Someone may feel hurt.
Anyway, it makes you feel a click older, when a component you loved to use at your youth, goes obsolete. I do not even dare to check the status of BC109 or 2N3904…

Have a nice weekend all!