Difference between AK4382AVT-E2 and AK4382AVTP-E2 from Asahi Kasei Microdevices/AKM

The parts AK4382AVT-E2 and AK4382AVTP-E2 from Asahi Kasei Microdevices/AKM are exactly the same parts, there is no difference between them.

The P-E2 is a part of supplier’s internal code for part numbering and has no effect on the part’s specifications or performance. The ordering part number should be AK4382AVT.

Applicable Part Number
DK Part # Mfr Part #
974-1006-2-ND AK4117VF
974-1048-2-ND,974-1048-1-ND,974-1048-6-ND AK4127VF
974-1001-2-ND,974-1001-1-ND,974-1001-6-ND AK4103AVF
974-1003-1-ND AK4113VF
974-1042-2-ND,974-1042-1-ND,974-1042-6-ND AK4125VF
974-1002-2-ND AK4112BVF
974-1016-2-ND AK4420ET
974-1010-2-ND AK4386ET
974-1028-2-ND AK5358AET
974-1009-2-ND AK4382AVT
974-1011-2-ND,974-1011-1-ND,974-1011-6-ND AK4388AET
974-1029-2-ND,974-1029-1-ND,974-1029-6-ND AK5358BET
974-1017-2-ND,974-1017-1-ND,974-1017-6-ND AK4430ET
974-1026-2-ND AK5355VT
974-1034-2-ND AK5386VT
974-1014-2-ND AK4396VF
974-1027-2-ND,974-1027-1-ND,974-1027-6-ND AK5357VT
974-1031-2-ND AK5384VF
974-1032-2-ND AK5385BVF
974-1033-2-ND,974-1033-1-ND,974-1033-6-ND AK5385BVS
974-1036-2-ND,974-1036-1-ND,974-1036-6-ND AK5392VS
974-1038-2-ND,974-1038-1-ND,974-1038-6-ND AK5394AVS
974-1037-2-ND,974-1037-1-ND,974-1037-6-ND AK5393VS
974-1012-2-ND AK4393VF
974-1013-2-ND AK4395VF
974-1041-2-ND,974-1041-1-ND,974-1041-6-ND AK4621EF
974-1021-2-ND AK4556VT
974-1020-2-ND,974-1020-1-ND,974-1020-6-ND AK4554VT
974-1019-2-ND AK4552VT
974-1018-2-ND,974-1018-1-ND,974-1018-6-ND AK4528VF
974-1024-2-ND,974-1024-1-ND,974-1024-6-ND AK4620BVF

More detailed information can be found from AKM’s website:

When ordering, part numbers are followed by the packing classification index: L, E1 and E2, which represents the taping direction.

Example: “AK□□□□-L”, “AK□□□□-E1”, “AK□□□□-E2”

You may sometimes see “P” or “-8” character in AKM part number. This type of the part number is internally used and it is the same product as the one without these characters.

Example: “AK□□□□-8” and “AK□□□□” are the same products.

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