Diodes Inc Packaging & RoHS Suffixes

When you are looking at parts from Diodes Incorporated you will often see suffixes at the end of the part number. There suffixes are often calling out packaging or RoHS status on the parts. Here is a list of meaning that Diodes Inc. has supplied.

Suffix Definition
A Ammo Pack
B Bulk Packaging
T Tape & Reel
U Tube Packaging
7 7-inch Reel
13 13-inch Reel
F = Pb Free or Pb Free Lead Finish (as noted on associated data sheets)
L (Analog) Pb Free
G = (Analog) Pb Free and Green
TA, TC Refers to the tape and reel option of the part.

Note: These suffixes are often not shown on our Data Sheets and marketing materials.


For Diodes Automotive Grade Product, its part number with a Q suffix that has passed the rigorous AECQ reliability standard - qualified to AEC-Q100, AEC-Q101 and AEC-Q200 respectively, and are manufactured in facilities qualified to the rigorous TS16949 standard, and capable of customer audit to VDA6.3. These parts are all supported by PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) documentation, thus meeting all the requirements of the Automotive electronics industry.

Diodes Inc also has a suffix of “STZ” that represents 2,000 piece tape and box or ammo packaging. Here is the document that states this on page 8:

THT Packaging: THT Packaging.pdf (563.6 KB)