DS18B20 Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor

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Do you have the technical specifications for the DS18B20 Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor?

Hello craigl,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
Click here for the datasheet for the DS18B20 sensor from UMW.
Also, Click here for the datasheet from Analog Devices/Maxim.

Thanks for the link, but that appears to be a temperature sensor. I guess they use the same IC, so I guess I could expect similar electrical specs, but not the curve that maps values. I guess I could figure that out on my own.
This is what I was looking at

Hello craigl,

We do not have a datasheet for spec sheet for that device.
I found the product on the Manufacture’s Website, but they did not have one also.
There are informational links near the bottom of the page that may help.
Sorry we didn’t have the document you were looking for.