Haviing a difficult time programmig the above unit. We can not seem to be able to get it to program. Does anyone have a programming for dummies guide to this. We are not engineers and most of the information is hard to understand. We have a
1912-TT4-PT1000B-174-293-PL-ND RTD for this unit.
Thank you for your post.
We have two resources for that device. We have the instructions on our page for it.
Microsoft Word - DELTA_IA-TC_DTB_OM_EN_20201202
Also, we have a previous post on our Forum discussing this series of product:
DTB4824 Delta Electronics Alarm Output Wiring - Automation and Control / Industrial Automation and Control - Electronic Component and Engineering Solution Forum - TechForum │ DigiKey
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Brent Albers
Electronics Technician
P 800.344.4539 x 12328