Edge Impulse firmware for Espressif ESP32

Edge Impulse is one of the leading development platforms for machine learning on edge devices. It enables developers to create the next generation of intelligent device solutions using embedded machine learning. The Edge Impulse firmware for Espressif ESP32-based development boards, specifically the ESP32-S3-EYE and FireBeetle Board to develop Edge Impulse device capabilities, including ingestion and inference.

The features of ESP32-S3-EYE

  • Small-sized AI development board produced by Espressif.
  • Based on the ESP32-S3 SoC and ESP-WHO, Espressif’s AI development framework.
  • With 2-Megapixel camera, an LCD display and a microphone used for image recognition and audio processing.
  • Offer plenty of storage, with an 8 MB Octal PSRAM and a 8 MB flash.
  • Support image transmission via Wi-Fi and debugging through a Micro-USB port.
  • With ESP-WHO, it can develop a variety of AIoT applications, such as smart doorbell, surveillance systems, facial recognition time clock, etc.


The features of FireBeetle Board from DFRobot

  • Equipped with the ESP-WROOM-32 dual-core chip, operating at a frequency of 240MHz, and featuring 16MB Flash and 520KB SRAM, it supports dual-mode communication via WiFi and Bluetooth.
  • Supports dual power supply from USB and an external 3.7V lithium battery with automatic switching functionality.
  • Compact in size, making it ideal for IoT low-power projects with limited space.
  • Arduino IDE compatible, enabling convenient development with one-click downloading.
  • Supports various programming methods, including Arduino IDE, IDF, Micropython, and Mind+ graphical programming.

FireBeetle board

The Edge Impulse firmware for the development board is open source and hosted on GitHub:

Edge Impulse firmware for Espressif ESP32