FTRJ8524P2BNV Finisar Obsolete Cross

FTRJ8524P2BNV is a Compatible (1/2/4Gbs Fibre Channel-SX) Optical Transceiver from Finisar, but it’s currently EOL. Finisar suggests FTLF8524P2BNV as the replacement.


Manufacturer Part Number FTRJ8524P2BNV FTLF8524P2BNV
Digi-Key Part Number 775-1045-ND
Status Obsolete Active
Data Rate upto 4.25 Gbps upto 4.25 Gbps
Wavelength 850nm 850nm
Connector Type Duplex LC Duplex LC
Mounting Type Pluggable, SFP Pluggable, SFP

Here is an application note about Finisar Implementation of Rate Select for FTRJ8524P2BNV and
FTLF8524P2BNV 4.25 Gb/s SFP Transceivers

For more information on the suggested replacement see the full manufacturer datasheet.

The TechForum Cross Reference category is for parts that Digi-Key does not sell or parts that have gone obsolete. Our Engineers and Techs have reviewed the specifications for these parts and made a recommendation for a replacement. Please review the suggested part to ensure it will work for your application.