Keyword spotting on ESP32


There is a video on Digi-key’s YouTube channel which is demonstrated by Shawn Hymel. It is about how to do keyword spotting on Arduino nano 33 ble sense. I am doing a project where music is played through Bluetooth. So I can’t use Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense as it has BLE. I have decided to go with ESP32 with external mic INMP441 connected to it.
In the video, a Arduino sketch is created using edge impulse. So I just want to know whether that sketch is compatible for ESP32 if I change pin numbers in code like for mic?
If yes then how do I change the code for INMP441 mic?
Please help me as I’m new to coding on microcontrollers.
I hope you understand my question and help me with this.
Here’s the link to the YouTube video:

I can see that this is an old post. Do you mind sharing your progress with the project?