Laird Sentrius RG1xx

Hi team,

I have one Laird Sentrius RG1xx, with REGION US, but I need it to work in Brazil. What should I do to make it work in Brazilian’s LoRaWAN range of frequencies?

thanks in advance,
Wellington B.

Hi @wbianchini ,

Thank you for contacting TechForum. Since products are factory configured to follow certain LoraWAN specifications, it is not possible to select specific frequencies on a regional band after purchase. I believe the Brazil band is AU915-928 so you will need to make sure your product is within that specification.

Hi Ryan,

Unfortunatelly my product is came with US REGION settings. Sure the only way is waste it???

Contact the seller and explain you bought the wrong unit and would like to return the wrong unit and get the correct unit.

I did but they don’t replying me….

Que Deus te abençoe grandemente!
God Bless you!
Leia João 3:16
Read John 3:16

Sorry to hear that


May I ask whom you got your Laird Sentrius RG1xx from?

From Digikey!

May be I’m doing something worng…Because the info said it is 915MHz…


What was the sales order number for that item?
It is a bit hard to see the number from that last label.

Also that RG191 would be for the US region as Ryan indicated.

The date on the pick label pictured is 31Jan2020, which is more than 4 years ago at this point and beyond the time frame allowed for returns/exchanges.

Per the FAQ on the Laird site, the RG1xx gateways are region-locked for compliance purposes, and it is necessary to purchase the appropriate product for use in the intended region.

This is also indicated on page 2 of the document linked as the datasheet on the Digikey website:

It would appear that the AU915 frequency plan used in Australia is also used in Brazil, making Laird P/N 455-00057 the one a person would want to order for use there.

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