If you search for MS25036-153 on our website nothing will come up. This is because this is a military specification number not a part number. The part would be 51864-1 from
TE Connectivity AMP Connectors. Please review the datasheet to ensure it will work for your application.
MFR PART # | 51864-1 |
DIGIKEY PART # | A27255-ND |
MANUFACTURER | TE Connectivity AMP Connectors |
DESCRIPTION | Ring Terminal Connector 8 Stud Circular 14-16 AWG Crimp |
DATASHEET | Click Here |
Also please note military specifications for DigiKey products are for reference only, which means the product is manufactured to military specifications, but will not have the paperwork that verifies the certification. DigiKey is unable to provide any military documentation or certifications regarding military use of its products.