------Question for KGF56GR73D333KV Please Put your question below------
my AVL only lists AVX 2225GC333KAZ1A which I believe we may have ordered in the past, but I need to make sure that the KGF56GR73D333KV is a direct replacement.
------Question for KGF56GR73D333KV Please Put your question below------
my AVL only lists AVX 2225GC333KAZ1A which I believe we may have ordered in the past, but I need to make sure that the KGF56GR73D333KV is a direct replacement.
Hello jeffrey.avery, Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
These should be the same part. If you look on the page for 478-KGF56GR73D333KVCT-ND, there will be a list of “Other Names” at the bottom of the page. This is a list of part number that this part was previously referred to. The part number 2225GC333KAZ1A is in the list. This may be the number used, before AVX was acquired by Kyocera, and it was changed after the merger.