Part Numbering - Panasonic ECA-1JHG331E, EEU-FC1E102E

What does the suffix E call out in Panasonic electrolytic capacitor part numbers like ECA-1JHG331E or EEU-FC1E102E

E calls out cut and formed leads. It is listed with the taping specs in the front of the catalog - not part of the actual data sheet.

It loos like there are some new suffixes that don’t appear in that catalog part number description. I ordered EEU-EB1H101SB and they came with kinked legs (flared out to 5mm). Even knowing this it’s very difficult to find where this was specified.

Checking on this for you. Will let you know when I have the answer.

Hello @Roque,

Per the Product Specialist-

For this PN, EEUEB1H101SB is the long lead PN.

S represent low profile and B represent B taping.
