Hello. I have bougth a st-link v2 debugger to programmer my board stcm32f103RCT6 but the board has a DSW connector with only 4 pins and the stlink has 20 pins connector. Please How can I connect the board with the programmer ?? I tried to conect with invidual cable usign the pins vcc, ground, swDIO, swrcl but always the st stcm32CubeIde said that the target not found. Ihave installed the ST driver for USB before. Thanks
Trying to verify to be sure we are both on the same parts.
1528-1982-ND as the debugger?
And can you verify the stcm32f103RCT6 as I do not see it in our listings or through the MFR portal I use.
Thanks for your answer.
I dont undestand that means “trying to verify to be sure we are both on the same parts.”
I use debugger st-LINK V2 ref B 2021 14 with 20 pins for JTAG but stcm32f103RCT has not JTAG connector only SWD so that I have connected pins VCC, G, SWDIO, SWCHK to the same pins in my board
Looking at Table 4 of the User Manual, it looks like you have to connect reset (NRST) as well.
Thanks. No I have not connect reset NRST because i can not find NRST pin in my board stcm32f103RCT6 (Chineaw board Moebiustech). This board has a button for NRST and I have tried to press it when I connect the st-link to my pc but it is not running (I am not an expert in this kind of board. It is the first time that I use them. I usually use arduino and raspberry)
OK. Have you upgraded the firmware on your ST-LINK? (In STM32CubeIDE, choose Help > ST-LINK Upgrade and click Open in update mode and then Upgrade)
If you’re still having issues, can you post the Console output so I can take a look? (Window > Show View > Console, if it’s not already there). A screenshot of your debug configuration may help as well (Run > Debug Configurations… and switch to the Debugger tab)
I have already upgraded St-Link
Please find below copy of the Stcm32CubeIde console
STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.9.1
Copyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
Target no device found
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: No device found on target.
This is my debug configuration
Autostart local GDB Server yes
Sorry my last message is not completed
Interface SWD
Frequency 24000
Access port 0- Cortex M3
reset behaviour
Tyoe Connect under reset
Debug in low power Enable
Connection between st.link and stcm32f103rct6 board
VCC and Ground (1 and 2 pins in the rigth of the st link) it is correct because board led is on
SWDIO and SWCLK (pins 7 and 9 of the stlink begining by rigth)
So, these are the connections you are making to your board?
Because that would be incorrect. Ground should be connected to any of the following pins: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and/or 20
Many Thanks. I have tested using one Ground pins 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 and 20 (one of them every time) and I always get the same error:
opyright (c) 2021, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.
Starting server with the following options:
Persistent Mode : Disabled
Logging Level : 1
Listen Port Number : 61234
Status Refresh Delay : 15s
Verbose Mode : Disabled
SWD Debug : Enabled
Target no device found
Error in initializing ST-LINK device.
Reason: No device found on target.
I’m trying to replicate your error, but so far the only way I get the “No device found on target” message is if I remove power from my target board. In your setup, are you applying power to your STM32F103RCT6 board?
Yes, there are power in the board. With the voltmeter, i have noted that if I use VCC and pin2 as Ground, there are 3,3 V but using the rest of recomended pins of the st-link as Ground (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16,20) only there are 1,5 V.
I always find the board state led on when I connected st link to it. To avoid the possible power problems, I have connected a 12V external battery to my board (max vol allowed) and only connect ground (in all possible pins, 2, 4 etc) and swdio, swclk pins (between st-link and board) and I get the same error
I think that the board or the st-link is broken (about SWD communication)
According to table 4 on page 12 of the ST-LINKL/V2 User’s Guide UM1075, Pin 2 and Pin 1 are BOTH MCU Vdd.
I believe that this means that if you connected Pin 1 to Vdd and Pin 2 to GND, you have essentially created a short circuit between Vdd and GND inside the ST-LINK between those two pins.
This may well have caused damage, either to the ST-LINK or to your board.
It is possible that as connected Pin1 to Vdd and Pin2 to GND had created a short circuit but my board need 3,5 V ro run and I only can get these vol when I connect Pin1 and Pin2. It is possible that st-link was broken since the beginning.
Many thanks for your help. You are very Kind.
I have spent more than 100 EUR (board and st-link) to throw away. I forget about stm32 micro and come back to arduino and raspberry