Texas Instruments, Part Number TPD1E10B06DPYR: "A5" Marking Issue

Texas Instruments sells TVS diodes, including the TPD1E10B06DPYR, for circuit protection. When receiving an order of these parts however, you may discover they have an ‘A5’ marking in place of the marking TI’s documentation states the products should have. Are these bad parts?

Not at all. The ‘A5’ marking was an unfortunate error at the fabrication facility these products were made in; the error is solely with the marking and not with the construction of the products. The ‘A5’-marked parts are perfectly usable, if purchased from an authorized distributor such as DigiKey. For more information, check out Texas Instruments’ own informational post, here: TPD1E10B06DPYR - Interface forum - Interface - TI E2E support forums.