// The below names the pins that will be controlling which LED will be on.: int Green1 = 22; int Red1 = 23; int Green2 = 24; int Red2 = 25; int Green3 = 26; int Red3 = 27; int Green4 = 28; int Red4 = 29; int Green5 = 30; int Red5 = 31; int Green6 = 32; int Red6 = 33; int Blue1 = 34; int Blue2 = 35; int Blue3 = 36; int Blue4 = 37; int Blue5 = 38; int Blue6 = 39;
// This is a part of the set up for the timing of the LED control.:
unsigned long previousMillis1 = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis2 = 0;// Another part of the timing.:
int interval1 = 20; //For controlling the overall speed of the fading affect.:
int interval2 = 1000; //This value will change as the code it running. It is for indicating when the LEDs should change states.:// The below provides a known stating point for the code and the LEDs.:
int Redstate1 = LOW;
int Redstate2 = LOW;
int Redstate3 = LOW;
int Redstate4 = LOW;
int Redstate5 = LOW;
int Redstate6 = LOW;
int Bluestate1 = LOW;
int Bluestate2 = LOW;
int Bluestate3 = LOW;
int Bluestate4 = LOW;
int Bluestate5 = LOW;
int Bluestate6 = LOW;
int Greenstate1 = LOW;
int Greenstate2 = LOW;
int Greenstate3 = LOW;
int Greenstate4 = LOW;
int Greenstate5 = LOW;
int Greenstate6 = LOW;// Apart of the fading affect.:
int brightness = 0; //starting point for the brightness of the fade.:
int fadeAmount = 5; //For controlling how much the brightness will change when it does change.:// These names the pins that will be controlling the LED’s fading.:
int Led1 = 7;
int Led2 = 6;
int Led3 = 5;
int Led4 = 4;
int Led5 = 3;
int Led6 = 2;void setup() {
// The below is the setup code, to run once just before the looping.:
pinMode (Green1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Red1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Blue1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Green2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Red2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Blue2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Green3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Red3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Blue3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Green4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Red4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Blue4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Green5, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Red5, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Blue5, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Green6, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Red6, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Blue6, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Led1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Led2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Led3, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Led4, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Led5, OUTPUT);
pinMode (Led6, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (Red1, Redstate1);
digitalWrite (Red2, Redstate2);
digitalWrite (Red3, Redstate3);
digitalWrite (Red4, Redstate4);
digitalWrite (Red5, Redstate5);
digitalWrite (Red6, Redstate6);
digitalWrite (Green1, Greenstate1);
digitalWrite (Green2, Greenstate2);
digitalWrite (Green3, Greenstate3);
digitalWrite (Green4, Greenstate4);
digitalWrite (Green5, Greenstate5);
digitalWrite (Green6, Greenstate6);
digitalWrite (Blue1, Bluestate1);
digitalWrite (Blue2, Bluestate2);
digitalWrite (Blue3, Bluestate3);
digitalWrite (Blue4, Bluestate4);
digitalWrite (Blue5, Bluestate5);
digitalWrite (Blue6, Bluestate6);
void loop() {
//This is where the fading is being controlled during the loop.:
if ((unsigned long)(millis() - previousMillis2) >= interval1) {
previousMillis2 = (unsigned long)millis();
analogWrite(Led1, brightness);
analogWrite(Led2, brightness);
analogWrite(Led3, brightness);
analogWrite(Led4, brightness);
analogWrite(Led5, brightness);
analogWrite(Led6, brightness);
brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;
if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255) {
fadeAmount = -fadeAmount;
//The below controls what state the LEDs will be in during the loop and when they will change.:
//Each if statement is checked for what LED states are in, when the correct if statement is found the LED states are updated.:
if ((unsigned long)(millis() - previousMillis1) >= interval2) {
previousMillis1 = (unsigned long)millis();
if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = HIGH;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == HIGH) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = HIGH;
Redstate2 = HIGH;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == HIGH) && (Redstate2 == HIGH) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = HIGH;
Redstate2 = HIGH;
Redstate3 = HIGH;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == HIGH) && (Redstate2 == HIGH) && (Redstate3 == HIGH) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = HIGH;
Redstate3 = HIGH;
Redstate4 = HIGH;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == HIGH) && (Redstate3 == HIGH) && (Redstate4 == HIGH) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = HIGH;
Redstate4 = HIGH;
Redstate5 = HIGH;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == HIGH) && (Redstate4 == HIGH) && (Redstate5 == HIGH) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = HIGH;
Redstate5 = HIGH;
Redstate6 = HIGH;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == HIGH) && (Redstate5 == HIGH) && (Redstate6 == HIGH) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = HIGH;
Redstate6 = HIGH;
Greenstate1 = HIGH;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == HIGH) && (Redstate6 == HIGH) && (Greenstate1 == HIGH) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = HIGH;
Greenstate1 = HIGH;
Greenstate2 = HIGH;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == HIGH) && (Greenstate1 == HIGH) && (Greenstate2 == HIGH) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = HIGH;
Greenstate2 = HIGH;
Greenstate3 = HIGH;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == HIGH) && (Greenstate2 == HIGH) && (Greenstate3 == HIGH) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = HIGH;
Greenstate3 = HIGH;
Greenstate4 = HIGH;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == HIGH) && (Greenstate3 == HIGH) && (Greenstate4 == HIGH) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = HIGH;
Greenstate4 = HIGH;
Greenstate5 = HIGH;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == HIGH) && (Greenstate4 == HIGH) && (Greenstate5 == HIGH) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = HIGH;
Greenstate5 = HIGH;
Greenstate6 = HIGH;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == HIGH) && (Greenstate5 == HIGH) && (Greenstate6 == HIGH) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = HIGH;
Greenstate6 = HIGH;
Bluestate1 = HIGH;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == HIGH) && (Greenstate6 == HIGH) && (Bluestate1 == HIGH) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = HIGH;
Bluestate1 = HIGH;
Bluestate2 = HIGH;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == HIGH) && (Bluestate1 == HIGH) && (Bluestate2 == HIGH) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = HIGH;
Bluestate2 = HIGH;
Bluestate3 = HIGH;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == HIGH) && (Bluestate2 == HIGH) && (Bluestate3 == HIGH) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = HIGH;
Bluestate3 = HIGH;
Bluestate4 = HIGH;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == HIGH) && (Bluestate3 == HIGH) && (Bluestate4 == HIGH) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = HIGH;
Bluestate4 = HIGH;
Bluestate5 = HIGH;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == HIGH) && (Bluestate4 == HIGH) && (Bluestate5 == HIGH) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = HIGH;
Bluestate5 = HIGH;
Bluestate6 = HIGH;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == HIGH) && (Bluestate5 == HIGH) && (Bluestate6 == HIGH)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = HIGH;
Bluestate6 = HIGH;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == HIGH) && (Bluestate6 == HIGH)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = HIGH;
else if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == HIGH)) {
Redstate1 = LOW;
Redstate2 = LOW;
Redstate3 = LOW;
Redstate4 = LOW;
Redstate5 = LOW;
Redstate6 = LOW;
Greenstate1 = LOW;
Greenstate2 = LOW;
Greenstate3 = LOW;
Greenstate4 = LOW;
Greenstate5 = LOW;
Greenstate6 = LOW;
Bluestate1 = LOW;
Bluestate2 = LOW;
Bluestate3 = LOW;
Bluestate4 = LOW;
Bluestate5 = LOW;
Bluestate6 = LOW;
//The below writes to the LED control pins the LED states from the if statements.:
digitalWrite (Red1, Redstate1);
digitalWrite (Red2, Redstate2);
digitalWrite (Red3, Redstate3);
digitalWrite (Red4, Redstate4);
digitalWrite (Red5, Redstate5);
digitalWrite (Red6, Redstate6);
digitalWrite (Green1, Greenstate1);
digitalWrite (Green2, Greenstate2);
digitalWrite (Green3, Greenstate3);
digitalWrite (Green4, Greenstate4);
digitalWrite (Green5, Greenstate5);
digitalWrite (Green6, Greenstate6);
digitalWrite (Blue1, Bluestate1);
digitalWrite (Blue2, Bluestate2);
digitalWrite (Blue3, Bluestate3);
digitalWrite (Blue4, Bluestate4);
digitalWrite (Blue5, Bluestate5);
digitalWrite (Blue6, Bluestate6);
// The below changes how fast the LED states are cycled through or resets the interval value.:
if ((Redstate1 == LOW) && (Redstate2 == LOW) && (Redstate3 == LOW) && (Redstate4 == LOW) && (Redstate5 == LOW) && (Redstate6 == LOW) && (Greenstate1 == LOW) && (Greenstate2 == LOW) && (Greenstate3 == LOW) && (Greenstate4 == LOW) && (Greenstate5 == LOW) && (Greenstate6 == LOW) && (Bluestate1 == LOW) && (Bluestate2 == LOW) && (Bluestate3 == LOW) && (Bluestate4 == LOW) && (Bluestate5 == LOW) && (Bluestate6 == LOW)) {
if (interval2 == 0) {
interval2 = 1000;
else {
interval2 -= 50;
下の写真のように、垂直方向の各コーナーに5mmの面取りを施しました。 これで、ライナーがぴったりとはまるようになりました。
以下は、On Shapeのサイトへのリンクで、このプロジェクトをご覧いただけます。
Lid.stl(78.0 KB)
LED box liner.stl (625.6 KB)
Outer box.stl (280.0 KB)
赤 0.112インチPLA (RM-PL0127)
白 0.112インチPLA (RM-PL0128)
黒 0.112インチPLA (RM-PL0121)
パネルジャック:2.10mm × 5.50mm(54-00063)1個
プラグ:2.10mm × 5.50mm(10-02225)付きケーブル 1本
ワイヤキット:各種サイズ 22AWG 350pcs(WK-1)1組
100mm 黄色ワイヤ 18本
78mm オレンジ色ワイヤ 6本
赤色単線ワイヤ 2本
黒色単線ワイヤ 2本
RGB 4リード・スルーホールLED:(HV-5RGB25) 6個
Arduino Mega2560:(A000067)1個
ショートブレッドボード:3.20インチ長さ × 2.00インチ幅(FIT0096)1個
100Ωスルーホール抵抗 :6個 すでに持っていたもので、特に品番はありません。しかし、CFM12JT100Rは使えるはずです。
470Ωスルーホール抵抗:(SFR16S0004700JA500) 6個
ネジ:(1551ATS100) 6個