Out of 385 pages of a datasheet, this page doesn’t really help. There are two dots on top, neither really aligns with the drawing. They don’t reference the silkscreen marking as an indicator. The image below is from the REV 9 datasheet. It shows the 4 circles on the bottom with one having a line. None have a line, but one of them has J05 written. If I assume the text is what that line represents, neither of the dots on the top line up with that one. The small dot, which I believe is PIN 1 lines up with the dot that says PHILLIPINES.
Boy they really buried the information:
Page 321
8.1 Device marking
Refer to technical note “Reference device marking schematics for STM32 microcontrollers
and microprocessors” (TN1433) available on www.st.com, for the location of pin 1
In that document the 144 pin LQFP is Section 4.10 starting on page 12.