1mm 90 degree connector

Hi I’m looking for a 1mm pitch 90 degree pin connector.

I think the grad conn part. BB02-YM


Is what I need

The connector to join the 2 boards together

Edit: some research had found the info for each connection.

J5",“Connector 1x20”,“Connector_PinHeader_1.27mm:PinHeader_1x20_P1.27mm_Vertical”,“”

For a 20 position, right angle, 1.00mm pitch, through hole header, you can check out our part number S9213-ND

SMH100-LPSE-S20-RA-BK Sullins Connector Solutions | Connectors, Interconnects | DigiKey

If the pitch is 1.27mm, you can check out 952-3621-ND

M50-3932042 Harwin Inc. | Connectors, Interconnects | DigiKey