2N2222A part number cross reference

At times there can be some part number confusion with 2N2222A. one common part number mistake is 2N222A. Even though part number 2N2222A is the correct part number it has gone obsolete.

Here is the datasheet for the part 2N2222A
2N2222A - Small Signal Switching Transistor.pdf (64.6 KB)

You can use the above document to compare to the options that are currently listed as active in our system in the following link.

NPN Single Bipolar Transistors | Bipolar (BJT) | Transistors | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey.

There are datasheets linked for all the possible options on each product page. Please review the datasheets to ensure the alternative will work for your application.

The 2N2222A is available as a Marketplace product by Solid State Inc.