I need an help on tmsop8 chip identification.
Due the double concentric circle symbol i think it is an ablic component.
In the first line i see 5MM or 5HM.
The second line says 615.
Hope you can help me on this.
I need an help on tmsop8 chip identification.
Due the double concentric circle symbol i think it is an ablic component.
In the first line i see 5MM or 5HM.
The second line says 615.
Hope you can help me on this.
Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. I did some checking and wasn’t able to find any information on this part marking. Do you have a schematic or any other information with a chip description ?
No, I do not. It is part of a smart bms from phylion. I’m 99% sure it is from Ablic but unfortunately they do not publish the marking code