The electronics industry is yet again emerging from a period of component shortage that caused major supply chain disruptions, price increases and redesign activity.The component causing this recent disruption is the ubiquitous MLCC. Nearly every PCB is loaded with MLCCs so when the shortage developed nearly every company building electronic products was impacted. Frank Puhane of Wurth Electronik held a recent webinar titled “Is there an alternative for Hi-Cap MLCCs?” that discusses issues and considerations when looking for and evaluating alternatives. Topics covered in the webinar include “Triggers for the shortage”, “Which parts will be available in the long term”, “Disadvantages to changing to smaller MLCC sizes”, and “Why it’s tricky to finding alternatives for MLCCs”. The webinar is archived in the Video Library as WEbinar Powered by Digi-Key: Aluminum Polymer H-Chip Capacitors.