We would like to introduce a very popular open source hardware platform recently released - CardPuter.
CardPuter from M5Stack is small, similar to a credit card, but very powerful. Its main controller uses Espressif Systems’ ESP32-S3. This MCU is widely used in the Internet of Things, and familiar to many of the developers working within that field.
Cardputer is a card-sized portable computer suitable for engineers built around the ESP32-S3 MCU. In terms of control interaction, it is equipped with a 56-key keyboard and a 1.14" TFT screen for display interaction. It also has an onboard SPM1423 digital MEMS microphone. It can record and wake-up. In addition, it can also be connected to a cavity speaker for sound playback and is equipped with an infrared transmitter for external infrared control interaction. In terms of board expansion, there is a Grove interface onboard, which can be customized to expand the sensor. In terms of data storage, there is a Micro SD card slot onboard, which can expand the device’s storage space. In terms of power supply, it is equipped with an internal 120mAh + 1400mAh (in the base) lithium battery solution to power the entire machine, which can greatly improve the battery life. It also contains lithium battery charging and step-up and step-down circuits. In terms of structure, the base contains magnets for metal adsorption, and the structure is compatible with Lego hole expansion. This product can be used by engineers to quickly verify designs, industrial control, home control systems, etc.
Its main controller uses Espressif Systems’ ESP32-S3. In the field of the Internet of Things, this chip is currently widely used, and you can use many methods for secondary development. For example, Espressif’s self-developed ESP IDF development framework is also compatible with Arduino, PlatformIO, or MicroPython environments, etc.
One of the applications is a one-to-one (or one-to-many, many-to-many) chat room function based on Espressif’s ESP – NOW (wireless) communication technology. Demonstrating the chat room function requires two Cardputers to implement interaction between them. First select one of the Cardputers to enter the Chat application. After entering the screen, a cursor will flash and will prompt text input. When another Cardputer also enters the application and enters “hello world” in one of the products, you can see the “hello world” was displayed on both screens.
The second application is the REPL function. REPL is actually MicroPython’s command line tool. Like the python command line, it can perform simple mathematical operations or print some strings directly in an interface. The video shows you a simple mathematical operation that can be used directly and developed directly using the keypad without the need for an external computer. The line of code shown in the video print(1+5), just press the Return key, Cardputer will directly display the result 6.
Cardputer can also introduce you to an innovative programming method - M5Stack programming platform UiFlow. UiFlow is a graphical programming platform that supports all M5Stack development board hosts.
First, you need to download the UiFlow firmware (MicroPython firmware) for Cardputer: open the M5Stack official website (https://m5stack.com/), find this software (under the developer tools of Software directory,) and finally see UiFlow Firmware Burning Tool.
UiFlow supports Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. It can be downloaded according to your own platform. It opens the first default option directly and will stay at the Core host series. Then you can scroll down to find the Cardputer page. The first option on this page is UiFlow firmware.
If an application in the software database is marked green official, it means that the software is the official firmware released by M5Stack. Of course, the database also includes some very interesting application firmware uploaded and shared by a large number of users.
ter. Then a dialog box will pop up in the M5burner, indicating “Found New Device” and a serial number is displayed.
Then download the latest version of the firmware. If it cannot download properly, it will pop up a box as shown below. After downloading, you can directly click Burn to download, which will ask you to select the serial port and the baud rate.
During the burning process, you can open the online programming platform under uiflow2.m5stack.com. When opening it for the first time, a personal project list will pop up.
The following is a brief introduction of this programming tool. First, on the left is the user interface editing area. You can switch to a different device below. The editing function of this user interface is very powerful and can easily accommodate a number of useful tasks. There is also a large window editing mode that allows you to perform some alignment operations and edit the properties of these user interface controls.
In the current M5burner application, many users have uploaded Cardputer application demos. These applications are firmware that can be burned directly. Then you do not need to recompile and upload again. You can directly use our application - directly burn it into Cardputer, and then you can quickly experience its functions.
In short, CardPuter is not only a hardware product, but also an innovative programming learning platform. Its small size and powerful functions make it suitable for various scenarios. Whether you are a developer, student or technology enthusiast (or all three), you can use Cardputer to explore new technologies and realize your own creativity. We hope everyone will like CardPuter and enjoy the fun and convenience it brings.
Are you interested in CardPuter? Come and try it out!
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