When checking 7-Segment Displays , all you need is one simple tool - your Multimeter. The below steps may help you test a 7-Segment Display.
- Hold the display in your hand and identify pin 1.
- Now take the multimeter (assuming a red lead for positive and a black lead for negative) and set it to the proper continuity range.
- Check your meter with a sound test (touch both the leads together, and a sound will be produced). Sometimes the battery in your multimeter may grow weak and it will not be able to display data properly If this happens switch out the batteries in your multimeter for new ones.
- Put your multimeter’s black lead on pin 3 or 8. Both are common pin as they are internally connected.
- Now put your meter’s red lead on any other pin such as 1 or 5.
- If any of the display’s segments glow then the display is common cathode.
- If none of the segment glows than interchange the leads of multi-meter.
- Connect your meter’s red lead to pin 3 or pin 8.
- Now put the black lead of the multimeter on other remaining pin. If any of the segment glow than the display is common anode, as in common anode the positive pin is common and the rest are connected to a negative supply.
- Check all segments of both common cathode and anode to ensure the display is working properly.
- If no segment glows, this 7 segment is faulty.