Checking 7-Segment Display

I just wanted to share a test i did on a customer display. Looking at part 67-1469-ND there was a thought that Segment A and F in Digit 1 were bad.To do the test I needed to identify two aspects. First I need to know if the part is a common anode or common cathode display. Then secondly I need to identify which pins activate segment A and F.

Looking at the data sheet I can identify both in the lower right-hand corner. This is a Common Anode display and with the Anode for Digit 1 being Pin 14 and the Cathode for segment A being Pin 16 and segment F being pin 18.

Knowing the configuration of the display I was able to set my meter to the diode checker and place the Red (positive) lead on Pin 14 and the Black lead (neg) on the Pin 16 and 18 respectively. As you can see both segments worked in the test. With this knowledge we were then able to narrow down the issue in the circuit.
