Hello, i’d like to order SiTime part number SiT8008BI-72-YYE-12.000000. Can you please add it to your website and provide a quote?
Hello JackHende,
I have sent a request to have the part SiT8008BI-72-YYE-12.000000 added to our system. Also, the closest option we already have is SIT8008BI-73-YYE-12.000000 that has a
±50ppm frequency stability instead of ±25ppm.
The 25ppm part should be available to order in the next 48 hours. Please check our site then.
Thank you,
I’d like to please order SiTime part numbers:
It would be great to know when you have these parts added to your system.
Kind regards,
Hello @etheory,
Welcome to the community! I have sent the request to add both the part numbers. The parts should be available to order on the website in the next 48 hours.
Thank you,
Thank you very much @Jeff_2258, greatly appreciated!
I would like for you to add a new SiTime P/N and quote for SIT8008BI-73-18S-34.000000. Could you please add this to your website?
Hello @mfontana,
Welcome to the TechForum Community! I have submitted the request to add the new addition. The part should be available for purchase in the next 3 business days. Please check our website at that time.
Thank you!