Custom Symbol Deletion

How is a custom symbol deleted without deleting a whole project? I produced one too many custom symbols and want to tidy my library. I managed to delete a few excess symbols before and struggling now to find how I managed it.

@Budgeroo - if you are referring to deleting your custom symbols from your symbol builder library, see the photo below. This shows how to open all custom symbols and delete them individually.


Hi Code
Thank you.

Hello, I tried this, and I can`t find column delete. Can you tell me, how to delete custom symbol in 2023?
Thank you!

Have you tried stretching the screen to the side, to be sure the Delete column is not covered up?
If you’ve made the custom symbols, you should have the delete column for the ones you’ve made.

@tutucek7 - Can you please try again. The Scheme-it team was able to correct an issue where the delete icon was not always displaying.

Here are the steps to delete a custom symbol starting in the Symbol Editor > Open menu:


Thank you very much guys. Now it´s functional!

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