Development Kit for nRF52840 SoC

Nordic Semiconductor created a versatile single board development kit that is used for Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth Low Energy, ANT, 802.15.4 and 2.4GHz applications. This kit is also compatible with the Arduino Uno REV 3 standard. This makes it possible to use 3rd party shields that are compatible to this standard.

The nRF52840 is a low energy SoC solution. It includes buttons and leds for user interaction. in addition to that, the kit gives access to all I/O standards for Arduino form factor plug in modules. Uses SEGGER J-Link OB Debugger with debug out functionality. Contains a UART interface through virtual COM port, mbed enabled, and drag and drop mass storage device (MSD)programming.

Develeopment Kit
DigiKey part number1490-1059-ND
Nordic Semiconductor part number NRF52840-PDK

Want to learn some more?
If you want some more knowledge of this product, please click on the Development Kit link above and look through the documentation tab. If you have any questions on this product, please feel free to ask them here.

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