Need info about the NRF52840


Is the NRF52840 a Development Kit or a Preview Development Kit? May I know what is the SoC revision?

Thank you

NRF52840-DK is an EVAL BOARD FOR NRF52840 from Nordic Semiconductor ASA with DK# 1490-1072-ND.

Please check the attached datasheet for details.

If this is not what you’re searching for, consider this option, too:

BMD-340-EVAL as EVAL BOARD FOR BMD-340 NRF52840 from U-Blox with DK# 1604-1027-ND.

What do you mean by Development Kit or Preview DK, please ?

We name it typically Evaluation Board or EVAL BOARD.

I’m not sure if we can still track the SoC revision if you ordered it already and it’s on the way to you.

Normally we can only verify such details ahead of your order.

The SoC revision is stated here. Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter

I want to buy to develop with OpenThread, but the Preview Development Kit, especially Engineering Sample A, is not supported, so I want to make sure it is not the Preview Development Kit.

Sorry when you want to develop with OpenThread and the Preview Development Kit, especially
Engineering Sample A, is not supporting this feature - you should be save.
And normally we don’t get such kind of Preview Development Kits from our manufacturers.
Digi-Key is typically offering only fully qualified production samples.

Ok, thank you for the information and quick responses.