Difference between THC63LVD1024 and THC63LVD1024-B?

Please can you tell me the difference between THine parts THC63LVD1024 and THC63LVD1024-B?

Hello @mark.laing

As per my understanding, there is no special part number for THC63LVD1024-B on the supplier’s website.
According to DigiKey, the difference between these two parts is based on the minimum order quantity: for THC63LVD1024-B, the minimum order is 1 unit, and for THC63LVD1024 it is 600.

I hope someone from the team will provide more clarification on this.

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. The parts are the same, the -B suffix is a smaller quantity and can be bought as individual pieces, without the -B the part is non-stock with a minimum order quantity of 600 pieces.