Doubt ceramic smd capacitor

Ceramic smd capacitor is the same as the electrolytic in terms of long-term storage for an indefinite period of time. Do the values ​​of the ceramic smd change automatically during storage and destroy this capacitor?

Hello italonogueira1987,

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
I found this document on Ceramic Capacitor aging, Click here for that document.
Hopefully one ot the engineers can add to this post with their knowledge.

I know that electrolytic capacitors present several problems in long-term storage for many years without use and without renovation. The same happens with smd ceramic capacitors. Their values ​​are altered for humidity and temperature in room and present permanent damage in long-term storage and mounted on an electronic circuit?

The document David provided is very good and does answer the questions you are asking for capacitor aging. We have topics already on the Forum about this. Here is a link to another post:

It seems like every supplier of ceramic capacitors talks about aging . They are really the same type of information as the Kemet PDF provided. Hopefully this helps.

Is this loss in the ceramic smd capacitor permanent? Are you losing to permanently disable this capacitor?

Hi @italonogueira1987,

No this doesn’t appear permanent. By going through the reflow solder process the capacitor’s temperature is brought above the curie point and thus is naturally reset back to the original value and the age date/time is reset to 0.

For those users who need this reset before starting the manufacturing process, Kemet also recommends a baking process.

“to place the capacitors in a 150ºC oven for a minimum
of 30 minutes. The time above the curie point is not critical and
once the capacitor reaches above the curie point, deaging occurs.
However, KEMET specifies 30 minutes at 150ºC to allow enough time
to exceed the curie point.”

For more information, see Kemet’s “Ceramic Capacitor Aging: What to Expect” paper below
TechTopic Ceramic Aging PDF.pdf (372.9 KB)

my case is: smd ceramic capacitors soldered on electronic boards of devices if these devices are stored in the long term for an indefinite period of time, will these smd ceramic capacitors change in value and lose capacitance and will these two cause the capacitor to die during storage?

Correct, that is why components must be used to prevent this. Things designed to be operated do not like to sit in storage for long periods of time, hence why there is a shelf life on most all products for them to be used by before they go bad. See links within this post Ceramic Capacitor Aging. The links provided will give you all the information needed.
