I am trying to figure out how to get a PiezoHaptTM Actuator to work. For my application, I need something that I can attach to a thin Macor plate, which will make it vibrate. I have attached a picture from the datasheet for the PiezoHapt I’m interested in (PHUA8060-35A-33-000) which shows how to drive it.
I have several questions:
(1) What kind of micro-computer do I need? Would an Arduino or Raspberry Pi work?
(2) What is “circumference control”?
(3) There are several haptic driver ICs available. Is there a particular one I need to use with this?
Hello @dante.gordon !
Welcome to DigiKey’s TechForum!
An Arduino or Pi will work for a micro-computer. Arduino generates PWM signals needed for driving the actuator. You can also use a dedicated microcontroller like an STM32 as it has better timing control for PWM signals.
Circumference control refers to a switch, button, or sensor to trigger the haptic feedback, a LED to show visual feedback, or an LCD to display information related to the haptic events.
The haptic driver IC depends on what you are comfortable with. This driver supports I2C communication to Arduino 296-35763-ND.
Thank you,