Powering PowerHap (495-Z63000Z2910Z1Z5-ND)

I purchased the PowerHap Piezo Actuator (DigiKey PN# 495-Z63000Z2910Z1Z5-ND), but I can’t seem to find how to power it in the documentation. I’m guessing I can’t just hook it up to a voltage source?

Where can I find information on how to connect it to power, etc?



I found the instruction for the development kit. They are stating to use a 12v ,1A power supply.

So this is how they are stating they power it on the Eval board. There are also somd video files and for some reason I am not able to open them. They are located on the website under documents and media: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/epcos-tdk-electronics/Z63000Z2910Z-1Z-5/6910132?s=N4IgTCBcDaIFoDYDMAGNcwE4CMK4AJsCBWEAXQF8g

You can review those to see if they give an additional information.

Thank you so much!

Does anyone know if I can just use the driver with something like an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi?


Is this something you want to be doing ? I see that comes with an power supply of 12VDC and 1A, if you wanted to use a pi or similar that has a 5V output you could use a 296-TPSM13604HNDWRCT-ND that could work nicely together. Feel free to ask any other questions on this to help you out.

Thank you


Hi dante.gordon,

I’m not clear on what you’re asking. If you are referring to the software from the Z63000Z2910Z 1Z 1 PowerHap Eval Kit, it’s not likely to be directly compatible with an Arduino or Raspberry Pi. You would have to write your own drivers for it.

More importantly, the 495-Z63000Z2910Z1Z5-ND can not be connected directly to a microcontroller or microprocessor without some interfacing circuitry. First, it requires a power supply of between 60V and 120Vdc to function. Page 20 of the PowerHap Eval Kit guide that @Verna_1353 referenced above shows a schematic for how they created a 124Vdc supply using a boost converter from a 12V input.

To actually drive the piezo motor, you’ll need driver circuitry such as that shown on page 21 of that same document. That circuitry takes a pwm waveform to drive the IR2184S half-bridge MOSFET gate driver. The MOSFET half-bridge actually switches the voltage to the piezo motor. In their implementation, it appears that they take an analog waveform generated by the DAC of the STM32F407G microcontroller and feed that through a comparator circuit to generated the pwm signal fed to the half-bridge FET driver.

In terms of kits we have which might be compatible with the 495-Z63000Z2910Z1Z5-ND, we have these from Boreas Technologies and this from TDK-Epcos.