Equivalent DC fan

I have a fan that is ebmpapst 614 N/12GH. It has 3 wires and is 24V DC 0.11A and 2.6W. I don’t see the exact one on your site. Is there an equivalent?

Hi @UA_partsNeeded i think this fits, double check the dimensions.



One note is that I believe the “…/12…” portion of the part number refers to open collector tachometer output with integrated resistor and zener diode across the transistor (see diagram below from page 178 of their catalog). The output would toggle between near 5V and less than 0.4V.


Most fans just have open-collector outputs, including the 109R0624M401. So, one would need to connect a resistor and zener diode externally to provide the same output as the ebm-papst 614 N/12GH.

Using a resistor of approximately 3.9k Ohms and zener diode of 4.7V should work.

Thank you for your assistance.
