Ethernet module with ability to set & ping a hostname

I am trying to locate an ethernet module similar to the WIZ750SR that can have the host name programmed and then be pinged by that name like other network devices. The WIZ750SR I have lets me change the name, but it can’t be pinged and doesn’t appear with that name in my DHCP server, so it looks like it isn’t actually changing the host name just a display name in the web config page.
I have used a WaveShare module which works but the poor outdated SDK & support make it unusable.
Any suggestions would be great.
Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the DigiKey TechForum. I did a search and wasn’t able to find any options to offer but with a public forum someone else may be able to offer a solution.

Hi @dtpurchasing we have WIZnet’s version of those modules: Modules | Interface | Electronic Components Distributor DigiKey

Others then Product Name, i don’t see a direct way to set hostname with WIZnet’s AT commands:

This option in your current product might be something written on top of the AT commands and embedded into your RTOS running on the main processor.
