Pressure Sensor – Vented Gauge
How to calculate pressure with an analog output voltage?
Pressure = Pressure Range x (Vout Reading - Vout Lower Limit)/(Vout Upper Limit - Vout Lower Limit)
Note: Vented Gauge pressure sensors measure the pressure referenced to the ambient atmospheric pressure. There is a port which lets outside air into the back side of the sensing diaphragm. Pressure Sensor Terminology
Example: M3234-000005-100PG (223-1892-ND)
Full Scale Operating Pressure 100 PSI
Output Voltage 0.5V to 4.5V (Span of 4V)
This can be calculated by using:
Pressure = 100 PSI x (Vout - 0.5V)/(4.5V - 0.5V)
0.5V = 0 PSI with respect to the atmospheric pressure
2.5V = 50 PSI with respect to the atmospheric pressure
4.5V = 100 PSI with respect to the atmospheric pressure
Example: IPSU-GP075-6 (725-1456-ND)
Full Scale Operating Pressure 75 PSI
Output Voltage 0 to 5V (Span of 5V)
This can be calculated by using:
Pressure = 75 PSI x (Vout - 0)/(5V - 0)
0V = 0 PSI with respect to the atmospheric pressure
2.5V = 37.5 PSI with respect to the atmospheric pressure
5V = 75 PSI with respect to the atmospheric pressure