I am looking for a load cell for a specific application

Hi DigiKey,

My name is Mitchell Carolan. I am a masters student in mechanical engineering at SDSMT. I am looking for a load cell with a max load rating of 50 N for my thesis project that is compatible with the following DAQ and LabView software. Please advise on your recommendation for the best load cell option.

DAQ: NI cDAQ-9178
with the following modules:
NI 9214
NI 9205

We also have a BNC-2120 and a NI PXI-8110 with the following modules NI PXI-6133 we have 2 of these modules there is also a NI PXI-5105 and a model 4040A by Tegam.

Please let me know what combination of the above components and your load cell would be best for determining the thrust from a rocket engine using the load cell and DAQ.

Thank you so much for your help and time.


Thank you for contacting DigiKey , the only load cells I am seeing for the 50N which is 36.878 ft-lbs are in the link below these are 50 lbs but all of them have a voltage output . I am not seeing anything for a digital output .

Look the data sheets over for the equipment you have to see if any of these will work .

Thanks Craig

How was that result obtained?

These are a couple devices in that ballpark that aren’t particularly expensive and offer the convenience of an amplified output, which would save a person quite a bit of hassle. Maybe not the most precise option out there, but if it’s good enough, it’s good enough. Note that the output is proportional to the supply, so it may be useful to use a second channel on the '9205 to measure whatever supply one chooses to use.

Unfortunately, it’s up to you to decide what is or isn’t an adequate solution for your needs. We can offer suggestions and highlight relevant considerations, but at day’s end it’s up to you to understand the choices set before you and make the judgement call.