J-link PLUS Hardware Version availability

I need to buy a Segger J-Link PLUS debugger (either Classic or Compact version).
According to Segger’s website, there are significant features differences depending on the Hardware Version of the device. See link bellow:

I couldn’t find in Digikey Product pages (Digikey part numbers 899-1017-ND and 899-1060-ND) what is the Hardware Version available for buying.

Since the features I need are only present in HW version > 9, can someone confirm what version I would receive if I bought any of the two versions available in Digikey?

Hi @RicardoMenzer oh Segger is always fun, i wish they more clearly had the hardware version encoded with their product line. I’m pining our PM to see if we can get any information and stock check…


Thanks for the effort, @RobertCNelson.
Why would they make our life easy, right?

Do you have an estimate for the answer? My boss is eager to buy it! :sweat_smile:

We’ve been able to confirm all “on-site” are v11 hardware, they are still checking offsite, but our system is FIFO based, so they all should be v11 hardware…


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