Looking for a short female header

I’m mounting a Feather Sense board on a custom PCB, and have very limited height, so I’m looking for a very short female header. I found this in the 12 and 16 pin versions which I’d need:

I’m wondering about which type of male pins would be ideal for this? I’ll mount the male pins on my feather. Does the “contact length post” refer to the length of the mating male post? It says,3.25mm. I’ll look for something like that. and the thickness of the male pins, I guess they’re pretty standard?


Thank you for contacting DigiKey , per the data sheet in this link ces.pdf any of these will work . These have the shortest contact mating length that we have to offer in stock .

The contact length post is the side that will mount to your PCB .

Thanks Craig

These look great. Thanks