LTCV10 Ceramic Filter

The datasheet does not show the pin numbers for the surface mount version of this part, only for the through-hole version. Specifically, which pin is the input, output, and ground?

The specific part number for this issue is: LTCV10.7MJ, manufactured by YUECHUNG INTERNATIONAL CORP. (YIC)

Digikey P/N: 3155-LTCV10.7MJCT-ND

Hey rfellman, welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.

I could not find MFG documentation with this information so I reached out to our product manager for this MFG to see if we can get documentation with the pinout for the LTCV10.7MJ.

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Here is the datasheet from the supplier.

LTCV10.7MJ Datasheet.pdf (491.5 KB)

Perfect. Thank you!

Best regards,
QVidium Technologies, Inc.

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