The datasheet does not show the pin numbers for the surface mount version of this part, only for the through-hole version. Specifically, which pin is the input, output, and ground?
The specific part number for this issue is: LTCV10.7MJ, manufactured by YUECHUNG INTERNATIONAL CORP. (YIC)
Digikey P/N: 3155-LTCV10.7MJCT-ND
Hey rfellman, welcome to the DigiKey TechForum.
I could not find MFG documentation with this information so I reached out to our product manager for this MFG to see if we can get documentation with the pinout for the LTCV10.7MJ.
Here is the datasheet from the supplier.
LTCV10.7MJ Datasheet.pdf (491.5 KB)
Perfect. Thank you!
Best regards,
QVidium Technologies, Inc.