Macronix Serial Flash family MX25Rxxx, Ultra Low Power vs High Performance option

Macronix has a family of the serial Flash parts called “Ultra Low Power / Wide Range Vcc Flash” that starts with MX25Rxxx
From the “Part Number Selection Guide”:


Note: The the parts with the densities of 512Kb and 1Mb were discontinued by Macronix

The ordering information in the data sheet of the p/n MX25R2035Fxxx, for example, shows the following:

Where the
letter “L” stands for Ultra Low Power Mode
and the
letter “H” stands for High Performance Mode

These 2 options are default options and are switchable as per the data sheet:

This means that one can switch to High Performance mode or Ultra Power mode after the start up – and this is the only difference between the parts with “L” or “H” suffixes

Some densities with “H” option (like MX25R3235FM1IH0 (1092-1175-ND)) are NRND’ed by the manufacturer (Not Recommended for New Designs) or looking for the part with “L” option, one can find the stock with “H” option or vice versa.

In these cases, the parts with “L” or “H” suffixes can be considered as interchangeable and the substitute to each other