Multiple channel resistance data logger

Chemist here with only some experience with electronics, trying to find equipment for an experimental setup: I am looking for a data logger or (multimeter with logging function) that can measure on 4-8 channels in parallel. Neither accuracy, precision or resolution are big factors for our application, however, it needs to cover a range of 1 Ω to approximately 250 kΩ.
Sampling rate should be somewhere around min 5 samples/s per channel. A device like this one would be perfectly fine if it was able to measure higher resistance than 10 kΩ: PT-104 Platinum Resistance Temperature Data Logger (

Can anyone help me identifying something that would fit the requirements? Or at least tell me what I should be looking for? I already spent ages looking at all sorts of meters here in the shop, but those with multiple channels seem to be in a different category

Best regards,

Welcome to the forum.

Outside of using 4-8 DMM’s with data output, very inconvenient, I don’t know of any off the shelf wide range resistance logger solutions.

The most common solution is to use a voltage logger, a reference voltage source, and a reference resistor wired to form a voltage divider with the resistance under test. The resistance under test is calculated from the logged output of the voltage divider (Voltage divider - Wikipedia). Many voltage logger’s include a built-in reference voltage source to simplify this setup.

Alternatively a voltage logger, and a reference constant current source can be used. The resistance under test is calculated with just ohms law, R=E/I.


Hi Johannes,

As the Pico’s logger has 24-bit precision, you could connect a low drift
10k resistor in parallel with the unknown resistor and then calculate the
unknown resistance value from the measured total resistance.

Heke, AsamaLab


Thank you very much for the suggestions! I am going to use a Picolog 1216 ( Multichannel Data Acquisition (DAQ) ( which is a voltage logger with a built in 2.5 V source and combine that with a voltage divider as suggested by Paul Hutch.
