I’ve got the myoware 2.0 I connected it with an arduino nano as it says on the website ( ground to ground, vin to 5V and ENV to A0) and I used my laptop for it and it wasn’t connected to the main power supply at all. However the sensor is not working as it should. I tried the basic coding example, i tried my own code. But the sensor doesnt show proper values that code be integrated as specific movements. Sometimes the Green LED is always ON until i touch the laptop with my hand the green LED switches off. Sometimes its the other way round. I cant get hold of what the problem is and I need help.
Can you share which specific part it is from the Myoware 2.0 platform? Also, providing a photo of the complete wiring helps too.
Looking at Sparkfun’s documentation, the sensor placement is very critical. The MID sensor should be placed in the middle of the muscle, as seen below, and the REF on a bone.
Sparkfun’s Advanced Guide
I would also check the soldering of the header on the sensor and if the wire connections into the breadboard are loose.
Also, one needs to double check all connections, both for correct connection placement and for signal integrity. Those solderless breadboards are quite susceptible to having poor internal connections.
One particular thing I noticed is that you said you were connecting “ENV” to “A0”, but, at least in the image you provided, it looks like you’re connected to “A4” rather than “A0”.
Thank you for your reply, do you have any idea how do i place it on my forearm or bicep as im using it for a prosthetic hand project? Also I have the black reference cable mentioned in the document. I dont have the cable shield though.
I had it on A0 but when i took the picture i was trying to change the analog pin maybe the sensor values would change
In the advance guide it has a placement for the sensor for the different muscles.
The forearm has multiple muscles that overlap and could make placement tricky.
I’ll try it and come back to you, thanks alot
For the Myoware 2.0 you should also checkout Sparkfuns forum.