Need help for Zener Diode replacement

I am looking for Zener Diods replacement for my old Pioneer cassette deck PCB. 1. 1SS254, 2. 1SR35-100A, and 3. MTZ13A. I looked on the internet but failed to come to solid leads as to what are the appropriate replacements. Thank you so much in adcance everyone.

Welcome to the DigiKey tech forum. For part 1SS254 take a look at DigiKey part BAV19-GITR-ND as a possible alternate. For part 1SR35-100A take a look at DigiKey part 1N4934GOS-ND as a possible alternate and for the last one, take a look at DigiKey part 1727-4723-1-ND as a possible alternate to MTZ13A.

Thank you so very much! Hope to bring my old deck back to life! Thank you again. DigiKey rocks!!!